Wednesday, March 10, 2010

For the Love of...

Charlotte! She is my youngest daughter (ok, dog) and I can NOT believe she is 6 today. Nor can I believe my eldest, Annie, is 9. I have said it before and I will say it again...why can't dogs live as long as humans?! I will never understand the short life span that dogs are given. I am forced to think that maybe it's because there are so many animals out there to love that God needs us to be parents to so many in a lifetime, and in return we get the unconditional love of more than one, or two, or three (or knowing me it might be 30 before I die!). Anyway.......I know once I have kids they will be outside more, be petted less, and second fiddle to actual blood human beings, but I don't see how I will ever love them any less. They are growling at each other as I write (Annie on the left, Charlotte on the right) over me, and I love every minute of it!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Charlotte Bear!!

P.S. I have about 5 recipes saved up to blog about, but have been pre-occupied lately with work and "Couch Potato to 5K", so we will talk soon! ;)

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